better start eating that glue bitch. oh you don't want to? oh boy... i made the last kid who didn't eat glue kill himself.
no glue, no friends. when we're not mercilessly making fun of you, you'll be all alone, and the teachers won't help you because they don't like you either.
what you tryin' to TEACH me something? what are you BETTER than me?
should've ate more glue pal.
FUCK YOU for having good grades. you know how many boogers i've eaten? A LOT. but i don't have good grades! unless it's about boogers or glue, don't talk to me, and if you do, you're goin' straight to detention where there's all the glue you should've eaten.
2 weeks suspension for me punchin' you in the face fucker
it doesn't MATTER that you're more fit than me! you don't like SPORTS, so you don't EXIST.
by the way, while your parents are screaming at you and grounding you for being suspended, i get to go camping with my dad and uncle. i'm gonna tell them all about the faggot kid who gave me a free vacation
oh man im all out of glue... now they're gonna kick my butt...